A foreign student applying for a 9(f) visa should have the sufficient means to support his or her education in the Philippines, must be at least eighteen (18) years old, and intends to enter the Philippines temporarily and solely for the purpose of taking up a course of higher education at a university, seminary, academy, college, or school duly accredited and authorized by the Bureau of Immigration to accept foreign students.


A Student Visa is issued by the Embassy upon receipt of authority from the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs. The foreign student must apply for admission directly to the school of interest (notthrough the Consular Section) and comply with the relevant admission requirements as prescribed by the school. The admitting school refers the application to the Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for approval.  If the application is approved, CHED will transmit its approval to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs who in turn sends the authority to this Embassy. Refer to information provided by the CHED (www.ched.gov.ph/services/students/fs.html).



When the Embassy's Consular section has received the authority from the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs, the foreign student is then required to personally appear before a Consular Officer for interview and to submit the following additional requirements for the issuance of the 9(f) visa:


  1. Duly accomplished visa application form
  2. Original passport and photocopy of passport´s data page
  3. One (1) colored photo, 4” x 4”, taken within six months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicant’s face, with a white background, pasted in the designated box in the application form.
  4. Original and photocopy of birth certificate with English translation, legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and authenticated by the Consular Section;
  5. Original and photocopy of affidavit of support executed by parent/s or legal guardian with English translation, legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and authenticated by the Consular Section;
  6. Two photocopies of parent/guardian’s passport data page;
  7. Original and photocopy of transcript of records with English translation, legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and authenticated by the Consular Section;
  8. Diploma is required for student applicant who will pursue graduate studies (with English translation, legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and authenticated by the Consular Section);
  9. Original and photocopy of Medical Certificate (FA Form No. 11) accomplished by a General Practitioner with English translation, legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and authenticated by the Consular Section. The medical certificate must also include the x-ray film, laboratory reports, etc. The medical examination report is valid only if submitted to the quarantine officer at the port of entry in the Philippines together with the visa application, within six (6) months from the date the examination was conducted.
  10. Original and photocopy of the school's Notice of Admissionwith a clear impression of the school's dry seal;
  11. Original and photocopy of the Certificate of Eligibility of Admission (CEA)issued by the Commission on Higher Education(CHED), if the foreign student is being admitted to a course or degree program where restrictions may exist due to shortage of facilities, e.g. Medicine or Dentistry;
  12. Police clearanceissued by the national police authority in the foreign student's country, with English translation and legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and authenticated by the Consular Section; and
  13. A non-refundable visa fee of US$250 to be paid in cash and in US dollars only. Authentication fee per document US$25


Note:The Embassy's Consular Section is not responsible for determining the scholastic aptitude of the foreign student and shall issue the student visa only upon ascertaining that he or she has been accepted to an accredited Philippine school authorized to accept foreign students and that all requirements above have been complied with by the foreign student. The issuance of the 9(f) visa will be promptly reported by the Embassy's Consular Section to the DFA so that it can in turn inform the school, the CHED, the BI, the NBI, and the NICA.