
La Embajada de la República de Filipinas en Buenos Aires se encarga de promover y proteger los intereses de Filipinas y el bienestar de los ciudadanos Filipinos en Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay y Uruguay.

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¿Quiere invertir en Filipinas?

¿Quisiera viajar a Filipinas?



Over the counter drugs are available in pharmacies or drug stores in the country. However, if visitors insist on bringing their own prescriptive drugs, they may do so but only in quantities sufficient for the duration of their stay in the country.

Visitors taking prescription drugs (tablets and ampoules) should bring a letter from their physician stating the condition for which they are receiving treatment and the dosage with English translation. The amount of drugs brought into the country should also be sufficient for the duration of the visit. For those who are travelling onward to another country, they are advised that separate quantity of drugs should be sealed and declared again before exiting the country.