PHL EMBASSY IN BUENOS AIRES PRMOTES IFEX AND MANILA FAME


AR Chamber of Commerce 1


2nd Secretary Ma. Carmela Teresa A. Cabreira delivered a presentation in front of the members of Argentine Chamber of Commerce.


31 March 2015 – As part of its efforts to promote bilateral trade between the Philippines and Argentina, the Philippine Embassy in Buenos Aires participated in a seminar entitled “Presentation of Fairs and Expositions in Asia and the Pacific for First Semester 2015” at the Alvear Arts Hotel in Buenos Aires on 30 March 2015.


Second Secretary and Consul Ma. Carmela Teresa A. Cabreira made a well-received presentation on the scheduled CITEM-organized fairs for the year, namely the International Food Exposition (IFEX) and Manila FAME which will be held from 21 to 25 May 2015 and 15 to 18 October 2015 respectively.   In her presentation, Second Secretary Cabreira highlighted the reasons why the fairs are must-sees, elaborated on the various special events within each exposition and informed those present of the incentives that await each registered buyer.


The seminar, organized by the Argentine Chamber of Commerce for Asia and the Pacific (CCAP) and Emirates, was attended by at least 50 members of CCAP and brought together Embassy officials and trade representatives from the Philippines, Australia, India and Thailand. END.