The Philippine Embassy in Argentina presented the Philippine position on the West Philippine Sea in an academic session organized by the Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales – Argentine Council on International Relations (CARI) entitled “The situation in the South China Sea” on 4 August 2014. CARI is considered as Argentina’s top think tank on foreign policy and international affairs.

Ambassador Ma. Amelita C. Aquino, Vietnam Ambassador Nguyen Dinh and Mr. Julio A. Hang, Director of the Institute of International Security and Strategic Affairs of CARI were the guest speakers during the session. Ambassador Felipe Frydman, member of the Committee for Asian Affairs of CARI served as the moderator during the event.

In her presentation, Ambassador Aquino emphasized that the core issue of the dispute is China’s claim of “indisputable sovereignty” over nearly all of the South China Sea under its nine-dash line, pointing out that this encroaches on the Philippine’s Exclusive Economic Zone and extended continental shelf.

She further explained that the Philippines had undertaken many efforts to peacefully engage China and settle the disputes through political and diplomatic avenues but with the occupation by China of Scarborough Shoal, the Philippines had no other recourse but to utilize the legal track under UNCLOS. She then explained the arbitral proceedings initiated by the Philippines.

Ambassador Aquino also stated that the Philippines will continue to work with ASEAN towards the conclusion of a legally binding Code of Conduct in the South China Sea issue.

After the presentations, there was a short Q & A from the audience comprised of retired ambassadors, academes, students and researchers. END