Engaging Latin America: ASEAN Lecture in Buenos Aires
(From left) The Thai Ambassador, Vietnamese Ambassador, Minister Capco, Ambassador Edgardo Sadous (CARI), the Malaysian Ambassador, Ambassador Mario Schuff (CARI)
19 July 2017 BUENOS AIRES — The Philippine Embassy in Buenos Aires, together with the Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales (Argentine Council for International Relations, CARI) and the Embassies of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, gave a joint presentation on how to engage Latin America on July 13 as part of the 50th anniversary celebrations of ASEAN in Buenos Aires
Ms. Capco, in her speech presentation, recalled the historical antecedents in the Manila – Acapulco galleon trade and noted that engagement with Latin America accords with the overarching vision of the PH chairmanship of ASEAN for 2017 of “Partnering for Change, Engaging the World”. She also mentioned developments in Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), particularly how it can contribute to boosting global trade in the present climate of sluggish growth and protectionism, which will present an opportunity to Latin American regional organizations such as MERCOSUR and the Pacific Alliance.